Jun 20Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I use the Gelli plate ❤️❤️. It’s really fun. I print leaves and then free motion quilt them and then mount on canvas. Have sold a few but I do it for gifts and me.

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That sounds really interesting, Phyliis, would it be possible to send me a picture so I can see one? Don’t worry if it’s a lot of trouble. You can do so many things with it, I should use it more really but I think I need another five hours in the day!🤣

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Jun 20Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I’m trying to attach but I can’t get it to work. I’ll try again

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Please don’t stress about it Phyllis! You could try my email theageingoptimist@gmail.com, if that doesn’t work, don’t worry. Thank you for trying. x

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The ghost print 😃

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Hi. I sent to your email. I use the he ghost print.

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Jun 24Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Always a lovely variety of subjects to read in your posts Lindsey. I find it best not to even look at subscriber numbers so I have no idea if people have unsubscribed or not.

You have reminded me it has been a while since I dug out my gel plate.

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Thank you Gina, I think you are probably doing the best thing, I need to take the notification off my phone! I love the gel plate, I should experiment with it more really, I’ve seen some incredible things done using it.

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It was so lovely watching you do this; I’d love to try some form of printing 🌿

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Thank you very much for watching the video, David! This is one of the simplest ways to start, some people do the most wonderful things with a gel plate, it does get a little addictive!

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Jun 21Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Fascinating thanks Lindsey ……. my granddaughters will love this! This is similar to my mark making on clay ……. need to experiment more. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Thank you so much Shirley, you are so right, it is all about experimenting and not being frightened of making mistakes. I would love to have a go at clay but I have no more room for more creative pursuits - I just find them all so interesting! Thank you for commenting, wishing you a very happy weekend. x

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Jun 21Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I’ve never seen or heard of a gelli plate before, it was really interesting and I watched the whole thing too!

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Oh that’s brilliant, Lisa, thank so much, both for watching and letting me know! Have a lovely weekend. x

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Jun 21Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Lots of inspiration here Lindsey primarily because of your ‘have a go and see what happens’ approach. Gel plate printing is the only art practice I can do without judgement. Funny isn’t it. Actually a bit lamentable. I need to remind myself that art is practice not product.

Like you I have long regretted not going to art school. As a working class kid I just couldn’t do something that wasn’t obviously about making a living. Who knows I might have made millions🤣 or hundreds as an artist. Odd that I became a book editor instead, a notoriously low paying cultural profession.

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I think the gel plate thing is because the process is almost out of our control so if it goes ‘wrong’ we don’t blame ourselves too much rather than a painting or a drawing is very much coming from our own hand. We are all much too hard on ourselves! I think you’ve probably had a very rewarding career even though you haven’t made millions! I really haven’t had a ‘career” as such, which I regret, although I have done lots of different things I am probably the happiest I’ve ever been at the moment, I am really enjoying Substack and having the time to be creative again. I try not to linger on the ‘what if’s’ - we are still young Bee, there’s still plenty of life left in us yet! xxx

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Jun 21Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Well, my first thought was that your demo would be about a plate of jelly. How wrong was I! Your demo is so informative and as always so skilful Lindsey. You’ve got so much patience and creativity in so many ways. Thank you for being here on Substack 😘🙏❤️

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Thank you for watching the video, Meryl! I can honestly say I have more patience with some things than others!🤣Anything arty I find very relaxing but if something goes wrong with the computer I have absolutely no patience whatsoever. And it’s you who I should be thanking, I really mean that. 🥰

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Thanks. I enjoyed watching and learning.

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That’s very kind, Cheryl, thank you for letting me know. x

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Jun 21Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Thanks for the video. I really enjoy gelli printing - I’ll have to give the botanicals a go. I recently used chalk based paint that worked really well. It gives a matte finish that makes it easy to add pen or ink or other mark making. I also like gelli printing on fabric.

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Ooh, I like the idea of printing on fabric - thank you, Lorraine. I think I have some chalk paints somewhere and Anne mentioned using printing ink so I have lots of new ideas- thank you so much for leaving a comment and more inspiration!.x

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Always a great way to be creative because there are so many things you can do. Even better, make your own gelatine plate any size or shape you want and use printing ink so you get translucent layers. Great fun for any age especially the young as they are fearless and try all sorts of things.

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Thank you so much Anne! I have printing ink sitting idle so I’m going to try that and see what it brings. It is such a great tool to experiment with - thank you for your inspiration!

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Jun 20Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Lindsey you are brilliant - so impressed with your artistry and your technical know how . Such a fab and enlightening little video xx

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You are very kind, Carole! Anne just mentioned she uses printing ink which I haven’t tried so I’m going to give that a go tomorrow - it’s so nice to receive suggestions on how to experiment and improve. Thank you so much for commenting, it is really appreciated.😘

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Jun 20Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Hi Lindsey

I just watched the video while I was making supper! It looks like a lot of fun I really love the last one with the yellow and black. My creative thing is quilting and crochet, less messy but I love that about being truly creative not worrying about making a mess or a mistake, feeling freed up. I did some botanical dyeing last year in my kitchen which I loved and I got some beautiful colours from different flowers and leaves. It would be lovely to hear more about your art , did you got to art school, maybe in another news letter.

Thanks again

Liz xxx

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Hi Liz, I have always wanted to attempt a quilt - I enjoy sewing but quilting has always seemed beyond me as I am not very disciplined in neatness! My biggest regret in life in not going to art school, it was the only thing I was really good at at school but I stupidly left school in the middle of my A levels to join my friends who were working and earning money. I have loved art and anything creative since I was very little, always painted and had creative projects on the side but it is not until now, in my sixtes that I have the time and a studio in the garden to be able to spend time on a hobby that I love and brings me so much joy. I can totally understand your comment about feeling free and not worrying about making a mess, it is very liberating being able to express yourself in a creative process without worrying about being judged - long may it continue! x

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You are still the cutest Substacker I know. Last year, I participated in a workshop with gel plates but we used leaves and flowers, and I'm glad you reminded me of the fun and joy of it. This would be fun to do with my granddaughter.

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You are sweet! Yes, this is a great thing to do with children, they can have fun cutting out animals and shapes too to make pictures with. Nice to have you back! x

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