May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

That last part ~ “They make me smile and that is something I value. It’s not about the money, it’s about what makes your heart sing.” 💖

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Thank you so much Darienne, I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in my boot sale finds - it gets very difficult trying to think what to write about every week! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it and thank you sincerely for letting me know. Have a lovely day.

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Hope you are jumping for joy as I have just read your interesting post about all the marvellous boot fair art you have in your home ... I actually rather like the art that you create. Anyway it resonated with me this morning as I have booked my ticket for the William Blake exhibition at the Fitzwilliam museum, I'm very excited, haven't been to Cambridge for a very long time. Hopefully I will find my way back to the right park & ride bus stop on the way home today, if you don't see me at the boot fair on Sunday I might still be wandering around Cambridge or getting on all the wrong park & ride buses ... who knows where I will end up. Toodles, off on my awfully big adventure now. Much love Debra✨

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Hello lovely lady! Yes, I did jump for joy, how lovely to hear from you, my boot sale friend. I think we could run a shop Debra with all our boot sale finds. Ooh, when are you going to the Blake exhibition Debra, that sounds fabulous.

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Just got back from my adventure of getting lost in a museum and in Cambridge, the William Blake exhibition was fabulous and I got to see a Rossetti painting as well. I was on the top deck & at the front of the double decker going back to the P & R I was rather like a small child and did let out a little excited squeal as it went round the corners!! Hope I'm one of your odd people you collect, I tend to do the same🤣xx

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Oh I didn't realise you were going today! I'm so pleased you had a lovely time. I've only started going to Cambridge since my son started uni, I'm not sure why I don't go more often, it's not that far away at all. I'm going to go to the Blake exhibition next week with Michael, I've just told him it will be a nice day out for my birthday if we go for lunch somewhere. Add you are definitely a lovely odd. x

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I was going to walk to Grantchester along the river to the tea rooms, but I'm going to do that with my sister & her husband sometime soon, have a lovely time celebrating your birthday there🌿xx

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

You will enjoy the Blake exhibition; I went in March. It's not too big so won't take you too long; I fitted in a quick visit before getting my train home. I hadn't been to Cambridge for decades!

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

It was fabulous and I was there for quite some time soaking up every little detail, I hadn't been to Cambridge for many years and it was a lovely adventure🖼xx

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May 9Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Wow Lindsey what a tale you have to tell about your French Impressionist art works! I can totally understand your response though to treasure your finds and savour them in your everyday rhythm and routine of your life.

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Thank you Lynne, I think the days of real bargains are long gone as the dealers get there first nowadays but I still love having a mooch around, it's not often I come home empty handed and I enjoy my little bargains.

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Some super finds there!

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Thank you David, I love them all!

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

This is such a delightful and inspiring story, Lindsey! I love your art collection! I've never been to a bootsale but our walls are covered in artworks we have acquired on eBay (nothing as cheaply as yours, sadly). Prof R is ace at finding treasures on eBay, and presents to me have included a pewter plate from my most beloved former hotel (presumably chucked out when it was converted from its ruined state), a silver-plated jug possibly made by a family member long ago, and an engraving by Segantini's son.

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Thank you so much for your comment, Andrea. It's amazing what people sell, sometimes I am quite shocked when people sell things that have been in the family for years. I bought a beautiful painting recently of a large country farmhouse, probably painted circa 1900. It is labelled on the back 'Home of The Beauchamps, Duchy of Cornwall Estate, Somerset. Sheila's Mother's Home'. When I asked the lady selling it if she knew who Sheila was, she answered "Me, it's where my Mother used to live." I don't know why on earth she would want to sell it (another £5 bargain from the boot sale). Prof R sounds like he's had some luck too, I always think if you keep looking something will turn up and I love the fact he has found items that you have a connection too, that makes them even more special. x

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I loved this, Lindsey! I'm a buyer of pre-loved items too. In fact, I used to have a little business selling second-hand books. Car boot sales, jumble sales, charity shops, online sites I frequented them all. Blue and white china is my favourite and that painting is so just lovely.

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How funny Patricia, I used to sell second hand books on eBay years ago until I got so run over with books I couldn't move and the postage just became too expensive. I really look forward to my Sunday stroll around the boot sale, it's a weekend ritual and I miss it if it's raining. Hopefully it will be on this week and I'll find another little something I don't really need to bring home! Thank you so much for commenting, enjoy the rest of the day. x

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I’m so pleased for you both and your treasure trove for a mere pittance! My only boot sale treasure which I use daily are 10 vintage clothes pegs: a peg for keeping peppermint teabag to side of mug; a peg for tying loaf bag; a peg for tying granola bag; a peg for tying porridge oats’ bag; a peg for tying cheese bag; and a peg for keeping bits of invoices collated over the month e.g. fuel bills. They make me so happy and are priceless! Thank you for your wonderful content as always Lyndsey. We were listening to your podcast yesterday as we moved mountains of stone, earth and compost!!! 🙏❤️

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It's the little things Meryl that sometimes bring the greatest pleasure. I would love your little pegs too, and you are using them which is even better. I think it's such a shame when things don't get used, I feel sorry for them which I know sounds absolutely potty but that's me. Thank you for your lovely comment as always, they are appreciated more than you know and keep me motivated, they honestly do. Thank you. Hope you are having a bit of a rest today. x

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May 2Liked by Lindsey Dickson

This made me want to hot foot off to a boot sale immediately… such wonderful treasures you have found! I like your goat lady painting very much and I think it expresses perfectly what art should be about which is choosing what we like not what we think we should like. Whether it’s worth £3 or £3000 it shouldn’t matter if we love it.

And as for being a bit odd… totally get it! Let’s celebrate oddness and differences. A good friend once told me that he liked me because I was truly eccentric, I didn’t self consciously try to be different , I just was. And it felt like the best compliment ever!

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Gina, we really must meet for a coffee one day, we sound like peas in a pod! And I'm glad you like the goat lady, for some reason I thought you would. I hope you have a wonderfully odd day! Is there a boot sale near you?

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I would love to meet for a coffee one day! I think we are kindred spirits. No boot sale near here that I'm aware of but but maybe that's a good thing. We are desperately trying to declutter rather than acquire more things... although not very successfully!

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Really enjoyed reading this Lindsey! I particularly like the ‘Alison’ portrait, it’s got a bit of a Bloomsbury vibe.

You’ve motivated me to seek out a local car boot sale as I haven’t visited one for ages. I used to go regularly to get bargain ceramics to use for making mosaics, such a stash has built up now that I’ve been banned from adding to it 😆.

The thrill of finding something that you absolutely have to have, after patiently trawling through the various pitches is so addictive. Even if you only come away with one treasure is very satisfying. I also love some of the characters there and having a chat with the sellers and buyers. xx

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We call them "garage sales" in New Jersey. I kept my Barbies for years after I was done playing them. I really treasured them. When I finally put my collection fup or sale, a petite woman wearing a Barbie jacket, and who actuallly looked like a Barbie, bought them all, including the house, the camper, and the car. I was happy that someone who also appreciated Barbies bought them.

Love the "spread the bread" motto. Bread is life.

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