Oh I know the feeling far too well, Lindsey! LOL

My pleasure re your support. Always xxx

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Jul 16Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I'm just catching up after a hectic couple of weeks and can't believe I missed this lovely post. Your illustrations are gorgeous Lindsey, thank you for sharing them x

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Thank you so much Gina, I don’t ever get the time to read everyone I subscribe to, it’s a shame but there just not enough hours in the day so I am immensely grateful to you and anyone who reads my posts. Thank you.

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wonderful drawings, thank you so much!

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Thank YOU very much Sarah! x

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Awww you did dig them out! Yay!!! I love these guys so much. I would love to hear more Rabbit and Freddie stories, please please Lindsey.🙏

As always your writing is just such an uplifting pleasure to read. More more more!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Bless you Kim, your encouragement and support is always so inspiring, thank you so much. Like everyone, I feel like I need another day in the week at the moment, there are so many things to do! X

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You have so many talents, Lindsey! I love your illustrations. I did buy a gelli pad and my granddaughter and I had so much fun. I'm hooked now and have order two more for even more fun. Thanks for your inspiration and optimism.

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You are very kind and generous, Ilona! Thank you dearly. I’m so pleased you tried out the gel plate and enjoyed it, especially with your grandaughter - they’ll be no stopping you now! Hope you are having a good weekend. x

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A great post, Lindsey, and wonderful illustrations you should do a children's book. lockdown for us didn't make too much of a difference as we are home based and we have a garden. I felt sorry for people with children living in small apartments as the lockdown was very strict in the Canarys.

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Thank you so much Nikki (and for the restack too, you are very kind). I can’t imagine what it must have been like without access to outside space, especially with small children, I think I would have had a breakdown (I am sure many did!).

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

WHY HAVEN'T WE SEEN THESE BEFORE?? They are totally wonderful; you have invested Freddie with such speaking expressions.

I was so sorry to hear about your parents during lockdown; that must have been agonising for you. I suppose I should be thankful that both my parents had died before the pandemic, so that I didn't have to risk being criminalised for going on five trains and a taxi to visit them. As with you, the lockdowns didn't mean huge changes in my life.

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Thank you very much Andrea, you are so kind. It seems strange these are four years old now, those four years have flown by, like Freddie I’m greyer and thicker round the waist! Losing parents is difficult at any time, at least I was allowed to spend their last days with them in hospital unlike some poor people. Hopefully we will never experience anything like that again. x

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Thank you for this. I hadn't realised there was a covid rate rise, although I saw more people with masks than usual when we were on a quick trip last week. Atm, we're in our own sheltered little bubble packing to move 200 miles away, trying not to be totally dismayed by world events. Basically, just hoping for hope.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment, Fiona, you must be very busy! Wishing you every good luck with your move, how exciting for you. There are still some very wonderful things in the world, hopefully will find lots of them in your new home!

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Beautiful post to start the day , thank you x

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How lovely, Carol - thank you!

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

I thank you for sharing your wonderful ‘Freddie and Rabbit’ illustrations and tales with us. They definitely need to be shown and read aloud to children across the land. I especially adore your sketch whereby Rabbit is busily creating face masks of a different kind! Lindsey, your COVID reminiscing is one we need to be reminded of as life stood still for nearly two years. 😘🙏❤️

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Memories can be very short Meryl, what a horrible time it was, hopefully never to be repeated. I think a lot of small businesses started up during that time though, people were very creative as they had to be. Thank you for liking 'Freddie and Rabbit' I remember really enjoying drawing these so it was nice to find them again, may be I should send them off on an adventure! Lots of love x

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Such wonderful little illustrations to accompany a dip into the recent past. Love these characters and their little activities. Lots of creativity, thinking and experimenting went on during those times in homes up and down the land. The kindness of families and strangers navigating the unknown during an extreme situation. It feels like a dream. An impossibility. A nightmare for many. A reminder.

I could definitely see these beautiful drawings in a children’s book. Thankyou for a peek into their world Lindsey x

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It does seem like an age ago Audrey, but I have seen a few people with masks on lately here so it is still making its presence felt. So many kind people were offering workshops and lessons on line for free during the pandemic, I think a lot of people found their creative side in those couple of years! Thank you for your lovely comment and encouragement, I am sitting here looking a Freddie asleep on the sofa, thinking how lucky he is he doesn't have a clue what's going on in the world!

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Jul 4Liked by Lindsey Dickson

Wise words and lovely illustrations. You've created two engaging characters there.

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Thank you so much Juliet, it was nice to revisit them, Freddie is a lot greyer now!

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